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Immunoglobulins, Cell Protein, Nosodes

Immunoglobulins, Cell Protein, Nosodes

160,00 €Prix

1 IgA

2 IgD

3 IgE

4 IgG

5 IgM

6 Chemical Messenger

7 CRA1

8 CRA2

9 CRA3

10 CRA4

11 Nuclear Protein

12 Acne

13 Amoebiasis

14 Appendicitis

15 Arthritis

16 Ascariasis

17 Asthma

18 Benign Tumor

19 Botulism

20 Bronchitis

21 Carcinominum

22 Cataract

23 Cholecystitis

24 Colitis

25 Conjunctivitis

26 Dental materials

27 Diverticulosis

28 Eczema

29 Encephalitis

30 Endocarditis

31 Esophagitis

32 Gastritis

33 Giardiasis

34 Gingivitis

35 Glaucoma

36 Haemophilia

37 Hemorrhoid

38 H. pylori

39 Laryngitis

40 Leukemia

41 Listeriosis

42 Lupus

43 Lymph Plaque

44 Lymphadenitis

45 M.Crohn’s Disease

46 Mamma. Cyst

47 Mastitis

48 Meningitis

49 Multiple Sclerosis

50 Myoma

51 Nephritis

52 Osteomyelitis

53 Osteoporosis

54 Osteoarthritis

55 Otitis Media

56 Ovarian Cyst

57 Pancreatitis

58 Parotitis

59 Periodontitis

60 Periorchitis

61 Peripheral Neuritis

62 Peritonitis

63 Pharangitis

64 Pleuritis

65 Polyarthritis

66 Polycythemia

67 Polyomyelitis

68 Prostatitis

69 Psoriasis

70 Pulmonitis

71 Pyelitis

72 Rheumatoid Arthritis

73 Sinusitis

74 Thyroiditis

75 Tonsillitis

76 Tuberculosis

77 Ulcerative Colitis

78 Urethritis


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Access will be granted within max. 24  hours of registration.


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All kits require a 1+ week lead time. 

Please contact us before placing the order. 

We will inform you regarding the ETA and the delivery terms.

The test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. 

The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified NAET practitioners to support wellness and manage stress.

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