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160,00 €Prix


1 5-fold Infantrix-IPV Hib

2 5-fold Pentavac

3 6-fold Hexavac

4 6-fold Infantrix Hexa

5 Measles/Mumps/Rubella - Priorix

6 Measles/Mumps/Rubella - MMR Vax Pro

7 Pneumococcus - Prevenar

8 Pneumococcus - Synflorix

9 Pneumococcus - Pneumovax

10 Varicella - Varivax

11 Meningococcus - Mencevax

12 Meningococcus - Neis Vac-C

13 Meningococcus - Meninitec

14 HPV - Gardasil

15 FSME - Immun junior

16 FSME - Encepur

17 Hepatitis B - Engerix B Children

18 Hepatitis B - Engerix B Adult

19 Hepatitis B - HBVAXPro 5 Children

20 Hepatitis B – HBVAX Pro 10 Adult

21 Hib - Hiberix

22 Tet/Dipht/Polio - Revaxis

23 Tet/Dipht/Polio - Tetravac

24 Tet/Dipht/Polio - Repevax

25 Polio - IPV-Mérieux

26 Polio Oral Vaccination - Berna

27 Rubella - Rudivax

28 Tetanus - Tentanol pur

29 Measles - Rouvas

30 Hepatitis A - Avaxim

31 Hepatitis A - Havrix 720 Children

32 Hepatitis A - Havrix 1440 Adult

33 Hep. A + Hep. B - Twinrix

34 Cholera - Orochol

35 Typhoid - Typhim VI

36 Rabies - Rabique Pasteur

37 BCG Tuberculose - Monovas

38 BCG Tuberculose - SSI

39 Tuberculin test

40 Adjuvants


Please register in order to gain access to the Practitioner's area.
Access will be granted within max. 24  hours of registration.


Contact us at: 


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All kits require a 1+ week lead time. 

Please contact us before placing the order. 

We will inform you regarding the ETA and the delivery terms.

The test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. 

The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified NAET practitioners to support wellness and manage stress.

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