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Geopathy Stressors


1. 3G,

2. 4G,

3. 5G,

4. Barometric Pressure-High,

5. Barometric Pressure-Low,

6. Cellular Phone,

7. Bluetooth,

8. Condensation Cloud/Fog/Dew,

9. Earthquake Faultline,

10. Electrical Storm,

11. Electrical Outlet Stress,

12. Electromagnetic Stress,

13. Flowing Underground Water,

14. Freezing,

15. Full Moon,

16. Geomagnetic East,

17. Geomagnetic North,

18. Geomagnetic South,

19. Geomagnetic West,

20. Geopathy,

21. Geopathic Stress,

22. Geo-Radioactivity, 

23. Graphene,

24. Hartmann Node,

25. Hartmann Lines,

26. High Voltage Electric Wire,

27. Home Wiring,

28. Humidity-High,

29. Humidity-Low,

30. Ionized Air-Negative Charge,

31. Indoor,

32. Ionized Air-Positive Charge,

33. Low Frequency Radiations,

34. Lunar Tide Earth/Sea,

35. Mildew,

36. Negative Global House,

37. Pole Electrical Transformer,

38. Precipitation Rain/Snow/Hail/Sleet,

39. Radioactive Stress,

40. Solar Flare,

41. Solar Tide Earth/Sea,

42. Summer Solstice Long Days,

43. Underground Cave,

44. Underground Ore Deposit,

45. Volcanic Activity,

46. Wall Memory,

47. Wind-Light,

48. Wind-Strong,

49. Winter Solstice Short Days,

50. Wi-Fi.


Please register in order to gain access to the Practitioner's area.
Access will be granted within max. 24  hours of registration.


Contact us at: 


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All kits require a 1+ week lead time. 

Please contact us before placing the order. 

We will inform you regarding the ETA and the delivery terms.

The test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. 

The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified NAET practitioners to support wellness and manage stress.

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