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  1. Hepatic cells
  2. Kupffer cells
  3. Hepatic duct
  4. Common bile duct
  5. Macrophages
  6. Gallbladder
  7. Cystic duct
  8. Somatomedin
  9. Albumin
  10. Alpha globulins
  11. Prothrombin
  12. Thrombin
  13. Fibrinogen
  14. Fibrin
  15. Beta globulins
  16. Ferrin
  17. Bile salts
  18. Bile pigment
  19. Cholesterol
  20. Electrolytes 
  21. Nattokinase
  22. Fatty Liver Disease
  23. Hepatitis A
  24. Hepatitis B
  25. Hepatitis C
  26. Hepatitis D
  27. Hepatitis E
  28. Wilson disease


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