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1 5-fold Infantrix-IPV Hib

2 5-fold Pentavac

3 6-fold Hexavac

4 6-fold Infantrix Hexa

5 Measles/Mumps/Rubella - Priorix

6 Measles/Mumps/Rubella - MMR Vax Pro

7 Pneumococcus - Prevenar

8 Pneumococcus - Synflorix

9 Pneumococcus - Pneumovax

10 Varicella - Varivax

11 Meningococcus - Mencevax

12 Meningococcus - Neis Vac-C

13 Meningococcus - Meninitec

14 HPV - Gardasil

15 FSME - Immun junior

16 FSME - Encepur

17 Hepatitis B - Engerix B Children

18 Hepatitis B - Engerix B Adult

19 Hepatitis B - HBVAXPro 5 Children

20 Hepatitis B – HBVAX Pro 10 Adult

21 Hib - Hiberix

22 Tet/Dipht/Polio - Revaxis

23 Tet/Dipht/Polio - Tetravac

24 Tet/Dipht/Polio - Repevax

25 Polio - IPV-Mérieux

26 Polio Oral Vaccination - Berna

27 Rubella - Rudivax

28 Tetanus - Tentanol pur

29 Measles - Rouvas

30 Hepatitis A - Avaxim

31 Hepatitis A - Havrix 720 Children

32 Hepatitis A - Havrix 1440 Adult

33 Hep. A + Hep. B - Twinrix

34 Cholera - Orochol

35 Typhoid - Typhim VI

36 Rabies - Rabique Pasteur

37 BCG Tuberculose - Monovas

38 BCG Tuberculose - SSI

39 Tuberculin test

40 Adjuvants

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