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Homeopathy part 1

Homeopathy part 1

  1. Aconitum Napellus - acute fever; nasopharyngitis; laryngitis; otitis.
  2. Actaea Racemosa - menstrual pain; menstrual migraine; muscle pain and tendinitis.
  3. Aesculus Hippocastanum - stinging haemorrhoids; circulatory disorders; lobosacral pain.
  4. Aethusa Cynapium - ilactose intolerance; acute gastroenteritis in children; attention deficit.
  5. Agaricus Muscaricius - tics; muscle spasms; clumsiness; chilblains; intellectual weakness.
  6. Allium Cepa - nasopharyngitis; allergic rhinitis; painful cough.
  7. Aloe - diaresis; colopathy; anal incontinence
  8. Alumina - skin dryness; mucous membrane dryness; dry cough; constipation; muscle weakness with tendency to paralysis.
  9. Ambra Grisea - psychic hypersensitivity; depression; shyness.
  10. Anacardium Orientalis - intellectual fatigue; depression; painful digestion.
  11. Antimonium Crudum - indigestion; thickening of nails; psychic irritability.
  12. Antinomium Tartaricum - breathing difficulties; acute bronchopulmonary ailment.
  13. Apis Mellifica - oedema; insect bite; urticaria; conjunctivitis; fever; angina; joint oedema; kidney disorders.
  14. Aralia Racemosa - sensitivity to draughts; coriza; asthma.
  15. Argentum Nitricum - anxiety; shaking; phobias; digestive disorders; laryngitis.
  16. Arnica Montana - physical trauma; muscle soreness; emotional shock; capillary fragility; surgery; childbirth.
  17. Arsenicum Album - digestive and skin disorders; gastroenteritis; asthma; eczema; psoriasis.
  18. Arum Triphyllum - inflammation of mucous membranes; nasopharyngitis; laryngitis.
  19. Asa Foetida - intestinal gas, aerophagia.
  20. Aurum Metallicum -severe depression; chronic ENT disorders; cardiovascular disorders; pain and rheumatism; insomnia; alcoholism.
  21. Aviaire - ENT disorders.
  22. Badiaga - coughing fits; fat spasmodic cough; watery nasal flow; laryngitis; impotence; adenopathy; cellulitis.
  23. Baptisia Tinctoria - food poisoning; gastroenteritis with mental disorders.
  24. Baryta Carbonica - general slowdown; swollen tonsils; mental retardation; physical and mental slowdown.
  25. Belladonna - sudden high fever; acute inflammation of the ENT sphere; onset of skin inflammation; menopausal hot flashes.
  26. Benzoicum Acidum - cystitis, gout crisis
  27. Berberis Vulgaris - prickly pains: kidney colic; liver crisis; eczema.
  28. Blatta Orientalis - mite allergies: acute asthma crisis; bronchitis; allergic rhinitis.
  29. Borax - mouth ulcers; dizziness
  30. Bothrops - antithrombotic: thrombosis, haemorrhage, phlebitis.
  31. Bovista -anti-bloating: water retention; menstrual disorders.
  32. Bromum - anti-suffocation: dyspnoea; adenopathy.
  33. Bryonia Alba - painful movements: dry, painful cough; joint pain; flu.
  34. Cactus Grandiflorus - cardiac pain: angina pectoralis.
  35. Calcarea Carbonica - children's ailments: skin disorders of the unborn child; digestive and ENT disorders of the newborn and child; delay in child development; spasmophilia.
  36. Calcarea Fluorica - bone disorders: recurrent sprains; osteoporosis; scoliosis; scars; varicose veins; dental caries.
  37. Calcarea Phosphorica - remineralising: growth disorders in children; delayed settlement of fractures.
  38. Calendula Officinalis - disinfectant and soothing skin problems: wounds, insect bites, burns, cuts, skin infections (abscesses, boils).
  39. Capsicum annuum - ENT pain with burning: otitis; angina; pharyngitis; sore throat.
  40. Carbo Vegetalis - flatulence and excessive tiredness: indigestion; bloating; venous problems; difficult convalescence.
  41. Causticum - joint stiffness; paralysis; skin disorders; urinary incontinence.
  42. Chamomilla Vulgaris - dental pain and great anger.
  43. Chelidonium Majus - liver and biliary problems.
  44. China Rubra - anaemia; fatigue; bleeding; intermittent fever; swellings.
  45. Cicuta Virosa - violent spasms; convulsions; epilepsy.
  46. Cina - intestinal worm disorders; nervous and irritable child.
  47. Cinnabaris - frontal sinusitis; red genital rash; red nasal mucous membranes.
  48. Coca - malaise at high altitude; mountain sickness.
  49. Cocculus Indicus - transport sickness; dizziness; pregnancy nausea; insomnia; painful menstruation.
  50. Coccus Cacti - clear, stringy mucous membrane; nasopharyngitis; spasmodic cough; painful menstruation.


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The test kits are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state. 

The vials contain ethanol and water and the process used to imprint them with electromagnetic signatures has not been tested or validated by any scientific method and is not approved by any regulatory authority. They are intended for use solely by qualified NAET practitioners to support wellness and manage stress.

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